Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Saving for WDW with Disney Dimes

Our littles will be 7, 5, 4, and 2 years old when we visit The Mouse. We haven't really done a formal allowance, chore chart, or other variety of those items in our house. We have expectations of them and they know when certain things need to be done, but we have not monetarily rewarded behavior up to this point. When we decided to take them to Disney World, we also decided it was time that they worked towards something. Do we think we have all the parenting answers? Heck no- but this will work for us. That first night that we announced the Disney vacation plans, we also announced Disney Dimes. There was no big fanfare or to-do over announcing the Disney trip. Up to this point, it hasn't been a huge topic of conversation in our house. That said, I love how creative some families are with making this big announcement and I also love how much the gift of going on a family vacation becomes the souvenir in those moments. I am sure we'll announce any other trips to WDW in this manner, just to emphasize that fact: that going on a Disney vacation and having fun with family is the greatest present of all!

So, with the implementation of Disney Dimes, the nightly routine of the girls clearing our dining table after dinner became their first regular task. They earn one Disney Dime for this and are happy to do so. Realizing that this has been a big motivational tool, I now offer Disney Dimes for many tasks and behaviors. I never bribe a child out of a mood with the promise of a Disney Dime, but frankly, parenting is no-holds-barred territory. You do what you do to raise your kids, and I'll do what I do. I try to make everything a choice. You choose to earn the DDs or you don't. No anger or frustration from me when they don't want to comply, but lots of praise and a dime or two when they work for it.

Once the kids earn enough dimes for conversion to a Disney Dollar(not to be confused with official Disney Dollars at Disney resorts), Tinker Bell visits, dusts some Pixie Dust on ol' George, and they're set! For those of us who don't frequently have visits from Tink, some body/hair spray-glitter from the Dollar Tree will suffice for the Pixie Dust! I get to then recycle their dimes back into the pot and they have an extra boost of motivation to see if they ever catch Tink dusting their dollars! If you have a Jake and the Neverland Pirates fan in the family, a "gold doubloon," a.ka., Sacagawea Dollar, is also a fabulous exchange for 10 Disney Dimes! I'm not keen on the official Disney Dollars. My opinion is that kids are already disattached enough from the idea that work begets money. I don't want them to associate play-money with getting anything, as it feels like it negates the work that went into that. That said, if you're gifting a child Disney money, I can completely see why these adorable dollars would be fantastic!

So far, the plan is that we'll match what they earn as a special gift from us. That said, we haven't made this announcement and only plan to do so should their attitudes on vacation warrant such a surprise. Since I bought Disney souvenirs for the kids pre-trip, I know that our shopping in the parks or at Downtown Disney's outlet will be minimal- just the way I like it!

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